Maria DB is a Open source database and is a replacement for My SQL data base after My Sql (Sun Micro Systems) has been acquired by Oracle.
Database can have multiple tables and each table will use one storage engine, and we can use different storage engines for different tables in the database.
In this article i'm discussing about the storage engines of Maria DB. There are many storage engines that supports Maria DB, and these are pluggable engines.
To see the available storage engines in maria db, execute the following query
Database can have multiple tables and each table will use one storage engine, and we can use different storage engines for different tables in the database.
In this article i'm discussing about the storage engines of Maria DB. There are many storage engines that supports Maria DB, and these are pluggable engines.
To see the available storage engines in maria db, execute the following query
MariaDB [(none)]> show storage engines; (or)
MariaDB [(none)]> show engines;And for all these storage differ from one another with the following properties..