Thursday, May 26, 2016

Maria DB Storage Engines and Alogorithms used for Indexing

Maria DB is a Open source database and is a replacement for My SQL data base after My Sql (Sun Micro Systems) has been acquired by Oracle.

Database can have multiple tables and each table will use one storage engine, and we can use different storage engines for different tables in the database.

In this article i'm discussing about the storage engines of Maria DB. There are many storage engines that supports Maria DB, and these are pluggable engines.

To see the available storage engines in maria db, execute the following query

MariaDB [(none)]> show storage engines;  (or)
MariaDB [(none)]> show engines;
And for all these storage differ from one another with the following properties..

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Qt C++ to Qml Communication using qmlRegisterUncreatableType()

In this article i will discuss about how to access the C++ class  enum types and attributes in qml file using Qt c++ qmlRegisterUncreatableType() template function.

qmlRegisterUncreatableType() will register the c++ class type (derived from QObject) as the non-instantiable type with QML type system. So we can not create object for the class in qml file, but we can use the properties ans enumerated types belongs to this class in qml file.

To access the enum values in qml , we have to make it available to meta-object system with the following macro, Otherwise we cannot access in qml file.

To Register the c++ type with qml type system
 qmlRegisterUncreatableType("ModuleName/uri", MajorVersion, MinorVersion, "QmlName", "message");

Here i'm providing the sample code to demonstrate the use of qmlRegisterUncreatableType() to access c++ class attributes and enum types.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Bit Operations: Qt Example

In this post i'm going to show you some bit operations with &, |, <<, >>, ~ using Qt example. This example include operations like set a particular bit in the given number, clear bit, check bit is set or not and to check whether the number is even or odd.

Following demonstrates the psuedo code of the operations.

> To Set a bit in the given number : perform Betwise OR (|) operation with  1 left shift(<<) by index of the bit to set
     num = num | (1<<index);

>To clear a bit in the given number: perform Betwise AND (&) operation with the inverted(~) 1 left shift(<<) by index of the bit to clear
    num = num & ~(1<<index);

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

'Cannot find -lGL' error while building the Qt widget application in Linux OS?

Hi all,

Did any one get "Cannot find -lGL" error while building the Qt widget application in Ubuntu operating system? Qt installer provides compiler, debugger, make and other tools for the development. But when you want to develop Qt graphical based application it requires Open GL libraries.

Most of the Linux OS will not provide Open GL libraries as default. To continue building Qt graphical applications just install this libraries.

For Ubuntu use the following command