Thursday, March 9, 2017

Multi-character literal (Multiple characters inside single quotes) Vs char literal in C, C++

Any character with in single quotes('a') is a character literal  (character constant) and a string literal is a set of characters with in double quotes ("Hello").
And if we have multiple characters in side single quote('aa') ,it is a multi-character literal

Before going to the multi-character literal we will check how these literals are considered (as value and type) by compiler. In C language type of character literal is int. So size of char literal is 4 bytes in 32 bit architecture. Where as in C++ the type of character literal is char and size is 1 byte.

Save following program with .c and .cpp extension and run with c and cpp compiler.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

When to use dynamic_cast and static_cast in C++

Dynamic Cast:
  • Dynamic cast is used to convert a pointer (or reference) to base type to pointer (or reference) to derived type, iff the base pointer/reference refers to derived type. This is called down casting. (Base -> Derived)
  • This type of casting is used when these two types are polymorphic (means base class should have virtual methods).
  • No need of explicit type casting when we want to convert a pointer (or reference) to derived type to pointer (or reference) to base type. This is called up casting. (Derived-> Base )
  • If you use dynamic_cast for non-polymorphic classed it will through compile time error
  • This cast is mainly used to execute the derived type specific functionality when we have base class pointer/reference. (Throgh base pointer/reference we cannot access derived type specific fucntionality)
  • dynamic_cast safely convers to derived type in run-time, if it fails to convert it will return NULL when target is pointer type, throws bad_cast exception when target type to convert is reference.